The Riverwood Star Party is open to the public. Come and share a night under the stars with us and experience a variety of telescopes and sky objects. Bubblle Nebula by Dave Dev - 2016
View this talk on YouTube Host: Randy Attwood Presentations Randy Attwood: "Centre News and RASC COVID-19 Update" Simon Claughton: "Postage Stamps and Covers from the Early Apollo Program" Randy Attwood: "The Sky this Autumn" ** Break ** Kirby Alguire: "Comet NEOWISE recap" Gary Crawford and Brian Gibson: "Recent Astrophotos" Randy Attwood: "Three Solar Eclipses in […]
Join us at Riverwood Park for a night under the stars. This event is open to the public and there is no charge. Weather permitting, we will have a variety of telescopes set up and have a variety of objects to view. Please check back after 4pm on the day of the event to see […]