Mississauga Centre Awards
The Mississauga Centre awards the following honours to its members for service rendered to the Centre and to the public at large.
Attwood Award
This award is given to a member of the Centre who has demonstrated superior commitment to the goals and aims of the Centre, has devoted significant time to its endeavours, and has had a substantial impact on the vitality of the Centre.
Observing Award
The Observing Award is given to a member of the Centre who has initiated, developed, and run programs aligned with the RASC observing programs, and has fostered participation in these programs by other Centre members.
Public Outreach and Education Award
This award is given to a member of the Centre who has developed and run programs for the public, or has consistently offered his or her
expertise to the public at star parties or solar observing events.
Centre Award
This award is given to a member of the Centre who has initiated, developed, and run programs to benefit the Centre members, has shared his or her expertise in presentations on numerous occasions at Potpourri meetings, or has gone out of his or her way to foster a sense of belonging by encouraging involvement of other Centre members in the activities of the Centre.
Special Project Award
This award is given to a member of the Centre for a specific activity or project that has benefited members of the Centre or the public.
The President’s Award
The President’s Award is presented, at the President’s discretion, usually once a year, and not more than once a year, to a member (or members) who has/have made an important and noteworthy contribution to the Mississauga Centre. The award is to be presented by the President to the recipient(s) at a Mississauga Centre event, such as a meeting or other gathering of Centre members.
These awards, with the exception of the Special Project Award, will usually be awarded once per year; the Special Project Award may be given more than once per year and not necessarily every year. The Attwood Award will be awarded no more than once per year, and not every year, on approval of the Centre Council based on a recommendation by the President to the Awards Committee.
The recipients of the awards are selected by the Awards Committee upon nomination by at least two Centre members in good standing. Nominations must be submitted in writing by April 22 either to a member of Council at an in-person meeting or by email to awards@mississauga.rasc.ca. Your letter must clearly detail why you think this person is eligible for the award.
Awards will be announced and presented at the Centre’s annual picnic.