October Potpourri
October Potpourri
Raghav: Building a Dobsonion base (15 mins) David: Yerkes Observatory (15mins) Purvesh Dev: Common myths in astronomy Raghav: Kahoot (15-20 mins)
Raghav: Building a Dobsonion base (15 mins) David: Yerkes Observatory (15mins) Purvesh Dev: Common myths in astronomy Raghav: Kahoot (15-20 mins)
Public Star Party at The Riverwood Conservancy Please register on the Riverwood website
Talk Synopsis Halley's Comet has become so well known that it overshadows the English astronomer's other work -- but Edmond Halley (1656-1742) made important contributions to many branches of science. He worked out the size and shape of the Earth, as well as the size of the solar system; he mapped the Earth’s magnetic field, and […]