Potpourri Night
Host: Randy Attwood Swapna Shrivastava Reflections on achieving the Explore the Universe certificate Ron Macnaughton The Sky This Month Tom Otvos […]
Host: Randy Attwood Swapna Shrivastava Reflections on achieving the Explore the Universe certificate Ron Macnaughton The Sky This Month Tom Otvos […]
Host: Randy Attwood Kirby Aguire: Photos of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction Chris Malicki: The Sky for January and February. Shakeel Anwar: Conjunction Photos / Comet Neowise Retrospective Fred Benedikt: Hunting for meteorites: anyone can own one with patience NOTE: This Meeting starts at 7:30 pm. Zoom information Topic: RASC Mississauga Centre Potpourri Meeting Time: Jan 15, 2021 07:30 PM […]
Host: Randy Attwood Presentations Simon Claughton: "Apollo 14: A Postal History" John Burgener: "A Consideration that the Fireballs Associated with the Perseid Meteor Shower are an Indication of a Previous Low Angle Skip Impact by Comet 109P/Swift–Tuttle" Swapna Shrivastava: "A trip to the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope" Betty Robinson: "A Helicopter Lands on Mars" Dennis Gasparotto: "A Visit […]
Host: Allan Connery YouTube video of the meeting Presentations Paul Taylor: "Paul and Gale’s NASA Adventure" Gary Crawford: "Rosette Nebula Astrophotography Project" Leslie Strike: "The Sky by our Photographers” - Astrophotography contest results! Krishna Vedala: "Astronomy Logbook Software" Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85274743460?pwd=Nno5N01hbWZuVk9kMzRHa1dIYWMyUT09
Host: Randy Attwood
Allan Connery - Telescope Loan Program Update
Simon Berlet - Maintaining the CFHT
Keith Jarvie - Life on Venus?
Ron Macnaughton - Microbial Mats on Earth - and perhaps on Mars.
What was called "the "oldest uncontested biogenic structure" found on Earth is a microbial mat from West Australia. These structures form when microbes glue a layer of sediment together leaving characteristic patterns. If life existed on Mars, it is possible that similar structures might be detected by the Perseverance rover which has instruments to identify large carbon containing molecules.
David Maynard - My Astrophotography Learning Experience
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87464539803
Host: Randy Attwood
Randy Attwood The June 10 Solar Eclipse - what to expect and how to observe it safely
Simon Claughton Skylab - The beginning. A philatelic history Part 1
Randy Attwood, Kirby Alguire, Allan Connery The centre's email groups. The Astrophotography Groups IO email group has been around for a while but it is not very active. We will discuss the plan to make it and some new discussion groups active places for members to learn things and discuss various areas of interest. An Observiing email list and a Beginner email list have been set up and will soon be rolled out.
The May 10 1994 Annular Eclipse - 27 years ago , an Annular Eclipse passed right through Toronto. Many RASC members were busy with a live Astronomy Toronto in front of the McLaughlin Planetarium. Much Music was camped next to us and they had their own interesting take on the eclipse, including an interview with a pet astrologer/psychic!
Zoom link: Click here to join the meeting
Potpourri Nights are a series of short talks given by members.
This meeting will be devoted to reports on the June 10 Annular Sunrise Eclipse.
If you have a presentation you wish to give, contact memmtg@mississauga.rasc.ca.
Host: Randy Attwood
Shakeel Anwar June 10 Solar Eclipse
Rick Veregin June 10 2021, August 2017 partial solar eclipses, February 1979 total solar eclipse
Kirby Alguire June 10 solar eclipse
Shriya Naik A visit to the Kortright Centre for Conservation
Keith Jarvie Life on Venus? Living in the extreme
Zoom link: Click here to join the meeting
This meeting has been cancelled.
Meeting Host: Randy Attwood Matteo Statti A review of the Star and Night Photography workshop run by Ariel Estulin https://www.outdoorphotojourney.com/workshop/star-photo-workshop-2021/ Shriya Naik A review of the book: “Advanced Skywatching: The backyard astronomer’s guide to starhopping and exploring the universe” - A Nature Company Guide by Robert Burnham, Alan Dyer, Robert A Garfinkel, Martin George, […]
Talks include a look at a Cosmic Ray observatory in Alberta, the postal history of the Apollo 15 mission, a book report on advanced skywatching, chasing and photographing aurora in Edmonton and a junior member reports on her recent experiences participating in NASA's Space App Challenge.
The November Potpourri meeting of the Mississauga Centre of the RASC. Topics include the upcoming lunar eclipse, observations of 61 Cygni, images of the recent aurora....and more!