Potpourri Night

Host: Randy Attwood


Shakeel Anwar         June 10 Solar Eclipse
Rick Veregin          June 10 2021, August 2017 partial solar eclipses, February 1979 total solar eclipse  

Kirby Alguire             June 10 solar eclipse 

Shriya Naik                 A visit to the Kortright Centre for Conservation 

Keith Jarvie                Life on Venus? Living in the extreme   

  Zoom link: Click here to join the meeting

Potpourri Meeting

Meeting Host:  Randy Attwood Matteo Statti  A review of the Star and Night Photography workshop run by Ariel Estulin https://www.outdoorphotojourney.com/workshop/star-photo-workshop-2021/ Shriya Naik   A review of the book: “Advanced Skywatching: The backyard astronomer’s guide to starhopping and exploring the universe” - A Nature Company Guide by Robert Burnham, Alan Dyer, Robert A Garfinkel, Martin George, […]

Speaker Night – Dr Laurie Rousseau-Nepton

Speaker: Dr Laurie Rousseau-Nepton is a resident astronomer at the Canada-France-Hawaii Observatory and was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hawaii between 2017 and 2019. First indigenous woman in Canada to obtain a PhD in astrophysics, she received her diploma from Université Laval by studying regions of stellar formation in spiral galaxies.

Potpourri Night

Talks include a look at a Cosmic Ray observatory in Alberta, the postal history of the Apollo 15 mission, a book report on advanced skywatching, chasing and photographing aurora in Edmonton and a junior member reports on her recent experiences participating in NASA's Space App Challenge.

Speaker Night

Dr Michelle Thaller of the Goddard Space Center, NASA talks about Space’s Scariest Monsters: Neutron Stars and Black Holes

Join us for this special Halloween Space Treat!

Potpourri Night

The November Potpourri meeting of the Mississauga Centre of the RASC. Topics include the upcoming lunar eclipse, observations of 61 Cygni, images of the recent aurora....and more!

Speaker Night – John A. Read

Getting The Most Out Of Your Beginner Telescope
Join Nova Scotia author and astronomer John A. Read as we explore the three most popular RASC certificate programs and using a finder and a star map to find the required targets (star hopping 101).

Potpourri Night

Talks include Collimating a Newtonian Reflector, some Deep Sky Photography experiences, a review of a camera lens to use for astrophotography and a look at the Apollo 17 mission - on the Moon 49 years ago today.

Potpourri Meeting


Potpourri:  A Special Evening for Aspiring Astrophotographers

Special Guest - Trevor Jones (AstroBackyard)

Title: Deep-Space Astrophotography: Proven Methods for Better Images

Trevor will explain how he has been able to collect better images from the city than he thought were possible. From recommended filters to advanced processing techniques, see why APOD-worthy images are possible from the backyard.

Speaker Night – Dr. Lea Hirsch


Speaker: Dr Lea Hirsch, University of Toronto - Mississauga

Here Come the Suns: The statistics and habitability of planets in binary star systems 

 Most planet searches focus on single stars, like the sun. But half of all sun-like stars actually live in binary or multiple stellar systems, whose planet-hosting capability may be quite different. In binary systems, planets can occupy either circum-stellar or circum-binary orbits, but many orbital configurations are thought to be unstable due to the effects of the binary companion. Binaries are also thought to affect the proto-planetary disks of their companions, potentially disrupting their ability to form planets at all. 

Potpourri Meeting

Potpourri Meeting – talks on the February Skies, As Astrophotography Journey, a book review and the James Webb Space Telescope