Potpourri Night

Talks include Collimating a Newtonian Reflector, some Deep Sky Photography experiences, a review of a camera lens to use for astrophotography and a look at the Apollo 17 mission - on the Moon 49 years ago today.

Potpourri Meeting


Potpourri:  A Special Evening for Aspiring Astrophotographers

Special Guest - Trevor Jones (AstroBackyard)

Title: Deep-Space Astrophotography: Proven Methods for Better Images

Trevor will explain how he has been able to collect better images from the city than he thought were possible. From recommended filters to advanced processing techniques, see why APOD-worthy images are possible from the backyard.

Speaker Night – Dr. Lea Hirsch


Speaker: Dr Lea Hirsch, University of Toronto - Mississauga

Here Come the Suns: The statistics and habitability of planets in binary star systems 

 Most planet searches focus on single stars, like the sun. But half of all sun-like stars actually live in binary or multiple stellar systems, whose planet-hosting capability may be quite different. In binary systems, planets can occupy either circum-stellar or circum-binary orbits, but many orbital configurations are thought to be unstable due to the effects of the binary companion. Binaries are also thought to affect the proto-planetary disks of their companions, potentially disrupting their ability to form planets at all. 

Potpourri Meeting

Potpourri Meeting – talks on the February Skies, As Astrophotography Journey, a book review and the James Webb Space Telescope

Public Star Party

An evening of Stargazing at the Riverwood Conservancy

Speaker Night – Dr Chris Impey

Speaker: Dr Chris Impey Steward Observatory, University of Arizona   
Topic: Astrobiology- How strange life might be?

Public Star Party at The Riverwood Conservancy

An evening of Stargazing at the Riverwood Conservancy

Cost is $5 per person for the general public.

RASC members are free but you must register at the Riverwood website.

If the weather is cloudy, the event will be postponed 24 hours.

Potpourri Meeting

Potpourri Meeting – several short talks by members. A review of a filter for astrophotography,  Astronomy Clubs in High Schools, an Equatorial Platform for Short-Duration Tracking, upcoming astronomical events in May